What is Geopathic Stress? Geopathic Stress Remedies, Solutions
Geopathic Stress is the Earths vibrations which rise up through the Earth and are distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean running water, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. The vibration distorted becomes abnormally high and harmful to living organisms.
Geopathic Stress has become many times stronger over the years. We believe this is due to solar weather caused by the sun penetrating the weaker ozone layer more easily. No doubt the stronger GS is one of the main reasons for the steady increase in serious illness (cancer cases have doubled over the last 20 years).
Geopathic Stress is the common factor in most cases of physical and mental illnesses
This was proved to the German medical profession over 80 years ago and in million of cases ever since. It was first recognised in thousands of cases of cancer and later it was found that it has to be dealt with before any therapy could work 100% and ensure your body could repair itself.
Geopathic stress remedies, problems from geopathic stress
Geopathic Stress is found in the majority of cases of:
Geopathic Stress is found in the majority of cases of :
The most common indications of GS are:- Resistance to medical treatment, a feeling of being run-down and exhausted, nervousness, depression, loss of appetite, pallor and not wanting to go to bed and when in bed: insomnia, restless sleep, feeling cold, cramps, tingling in arms and legs, sleep walking, grinding of teeth and nightmares. When waking in the morning often feeling fatigued, with a muzzy head and backache. Children are often bed wetting and babies geopathic stress remedies, reversals, solutions for continuously crying.
ements etc. from your food (and supplements) and often making you allergic to food, drinks and environmental pollution.
If you cannot shake off an illness, depression or feel below par, ask yourself :
1. Did my health problem begin shortly after moving into this home or place of work?
2. Do I feel better when I am away from the home or place of work?
3. Do any of my family feel uneasy about the atmosphere at home?
4. Did the previous occupants suffer from any serious or long term illness?
5. Does the illness seem to be worse during autumn or spring or wet stormy weather? (when underground water may be flowing at higher velocity)
6. Were there any nearby disturbances, which may have caused underground water veins to flow into different channels under my house prior to my illness? (landslides, building and road work, working quarries and working mines etc)
7. Does my home or any part of it feel unnaturally cold or damp?
8. Detecting Geopathic Stress
We use an special instrument called AURA SCANNER / COSMIC E SCANNER / geopathic stress remedies, detector, aura scanner, analyzer, cosmic e scannerUNIVERSAL SCANNER / AURA ANALYZER to detect GEOPATHIC STRESS in your House, Office or Factory. One can remove GEOPATHIC STRESS from their premises, using some gadgets and tools, like- Geopathic Stress Rods.
BOOK AN APPOINTMENT to Check Your Home, Office, Factory for GEOPATHIC STRESS
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